关于「 loghlen」的内容列表

Coinbase is concerned about Australia's "continued enforcement oversight"

John O'Loghlen, managing director of Coinbase Asia Pacific, said in an interview that they were concerned about "continued regulation through enforcement", which was "not helpful" for the overall direction of the industry ahead of the upcoming draft legislation in Australia. O'Loghlen said: "Given our recent discussions with regulators...

2024-07-31 20:14:57

Coinbase亚太区董事总经理John O'Loghlen在接受采访时表示,他们担心“通过执法进行的持续监管”,这对澳大利亚即将出台的立法草案之前的行业总体发展方向“没有帮助”。O'Loghlen称:“考虑到我们近期与监...

2024-07-31 20:14:57